Data Solutions

Multichannel Mailing Lists

New, Verified Contacts for Any Industry & Customer Segment

We provide high-quality contacts to grow your customer base via direct mail, email, or telemarketing.

Our rigorous validation processes enable you to include only permission-based email addresses so that your marketing messages reach only genuine prospects.

B2B lists

Industry Lists

By job title, geography

Installed Technology Lists

By vendors, users, decision makers
software, hardware

Healthcare Lists / Medical Databases

Hospitals, insurance, practices, pharmacies, doctors, dentists & more

Agriculture/ Farm Lists / Farmer Lists

Nonprofit lists

  • Extensive donor databases
  • Non-profit leader lists
  • Targeted Demographics
  • New Movers
  • Auto Lists
  • Registered voters lists
  • Political party lists
  • Political donor lists
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List Data Cleanup

Over the years, you’ve built a database of contacts, but do you know if they’re current and verified?

We match your data with our master database, which is regularly updated, cleaned, and verified, ensuring that the list you use has accurate, current information.

Our rigorous verification and validation processes enable you to include only current postal addresses and permission-based email addresses so that your marketing messages reach only genuine customers.

Trust our email verification and validation

Our expert team will thoroughly check even the most complicated databases and serve reliable and valid data.

Fix common list errors

We correct the most common typos, domain and syntax errors to minimize bounce rates.


Over 26% of stored contact data decays each quarter

List Augmentation

Find new prospects similar to your current customers.

Most companies keep a list of in-house customers and would like to reach additional contacts with a similar profile.

Our reverse lookup tools and unique data models are able to identify new, similar contacts for your marketing outreach programs. We custom-build your lists, remove duplicates, and verify authenticity.

Choose Your Campaign
license agreement

Data Licensing

Rent or Purchase?

Contact lists can be rented for limited use or purchased (licensed) for ongoing use. Licensing means you receive the complete contact data for unlimited use during the year. Lists are updated annually.

According to the Direct Marketing Association, the typical buyer must see your message seven times before they make a purchasing decision. Data licensing allows you to make multiple impressions over an extended timeframe or multiple channels. It can save you time and money in the long run.